The best of The Gambia

Jessie on the road

The Gambia is an English-speaking former British colony located in West Africa. It is the smallest African nation, but has plenty of attractions for those looking to visit.

Africa can be an expensive holiday, but The Gambia is a very affordable destination if you know how to organise your excursions. There are land-based tours, river trips and also a round-trip to neighbouring Senegal for a Safari day tour for those who wish.

All your trips can be organised from your home before departure or by just visiting one of the local travel agencies. Tours are daily, well organised, and staff are friendly. Arranging locally your own excursions will save you some money.

I booked all my tour with Arch Tours in Senegambia. Tour will pick you up and drop you off at your accommodation and provide lunch and drinks. They use local guides and are involved in helping the local…

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